Friday, October 17, 2008

Love Languages

I started reading the Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, and I haven't had a lot of time to read it but I am about 100 pages into it, but I just wanted to say how much I am inspired by it. The other day, while having a major bout of PMS, Alex was really starting to get to me. Anyone who deals with bad PMS would understand, but I seriously had these crazy thoughts that I wasn't happy and Alex doesn't understand me and all this crap. I don't really feel that way but whenever I am crabby like that it seems like nothing goes right. I feel like everything I do is unnoticed and I feel like things he does bugs me. HA. sorry for saying that!!! So anyway I felt like I needed to control my feelings and I prayed and asked God to forgive me for all the negativity. As I was praying I felt like I needed to get the book out and start reading it. I was all achy and I decided to get in the tub and start my book. I just really felt like I could relate, and things I read, I was like, man, I do that, or I think like that, I can nag instead of telling him what I would really appreciate. Like I said though, I am not finished with the book but I have read about words of affirmation, quality time, and gifts. I feel that I am learning what Alex likes and what I like and any time I feel the urge to nag or to complain, I think of the book and how I'm not going to get anywhere acting like that. I also learned that my husband really likes words of affirmation and I have definitely been more encouraging to him and I let him know how appreciative I am when he takes out the trash or cleans out the pantry or the yard. Just a few kind words and he has done more in a few days that he has the past few months. I even expressed to him that I like quality time and he even came to babysit with me to night at a friends house, which isn't normal. I thank God because I know He knows what we both need and He wants us to be happy and have a successful marriage. I'm excited because Alex is going to read the book too. At first he was thinking why are you reading that, we're not having any major problems, but I answered him by letting him know I was willing to do anything to keep our marriage strong and to help us understand each other more. And I am. He's my favorite person on earth!
SO, if you haven't read it, its a good idea to do so if you're in a relationship or marriage.


Keri said...

this is the book that both me and Benji read, it changed what we did for each other, I use to recommend it to every newly married couple, but guess i forget after all these years. If you always try to do each other love language it will work, but be careful not to focus on your own, it can all go down hill, trust me, do for each other, instead of worrying that he is not doing your love language, your not there I know, but there was times when I was like , he read the book, he knows what I need, and I would get mad, remember it's to serve, I know you know this!!!

I love that you want the best marriage, you are such a good wife!

Jacque said...

I think I need to read this book because Stephanie keeps asking me what my love language is and I have no idea! Right now I have about 6 books on my nightstand to read, but I might add this to my list. I think you are an amazing wife Katie and I know Alex thinks so too. Love you!