Sunday, November 9, 2008

a new day

I have been feeling very convicted lately because I haven't been going to church. It's kind of like exercising. When you have been on a regimen and you're working out all the time you don't want to skip a day. But, as you skip more days its easier to stop. Then you start noticing that you are packing on the pounds, you know it is time to get back on track. I used to go to church every Sunday and I felt horrible if I missed one day. But as it happens more often, the easier it was for me to miss it. Well, I am packing on the pounds with my relationship with God and I need to get back to my old regimen. Alex and I got up for church today and we decided that we will go every week if it means we have to go on a Saturday night if we cant go Sunday morning, or even Sunday night too. I know that church is important for me, and my marriage. And sometimes things come up, but I am definitely making sure its a way of life again.

1 comment:

Jacque said...

This same thing just happened to me. I hate going alone and with Bobby working every Sunday I just got out of the habit. But a few weeks ago we decided to go every week even if that meant Tuesday nights. We have been 3 weeks in a row now and it feels so good! I'll be praying for you guys to keep the motivation because like you said, its so important for your marriage.